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catalogue; price list
Archer-Elliott Ltd; Birmingham Optical Group
Europe: United Kingdom, England, Birmingham B12
paper; card
overall: 222 mm x 148 mm
Catalogue for ophthalmic instruments. A5 loose leaf format printed in black and white, triple holepunched and with bright yellow card outer covers. Illustrated with photographs. Featured instruments include: Frame display case, Freeman Near Vision Unit Mk V., Mallett Fixation Disparity Test Mk II, Mallett Fixation Disparity Test (Distance), Mallett Combined Unit, Archer-Mallett Subjective Unit, Archer Custom-Built Subjective Unit, Fan and Block, Archer Domiciliary Portable Test Chart, Neitz Radiuscope, Archer Heavy Instrument Table, Archer Keratometer, Neitz Focimeter LMP2, Ring base stools, Archer Instrument Column, Giles Archer Colour Perception Unit, Neitz Slit Lamp Model SL-J, Neitz Hand Slit Lamp SP, Archer Slit Lamp, Archer De Luxe Trial Case, Yamaguchi Focimeter LMI, Neitz Digital Radiuscope, Neitz Binocular Loupe BL-1, Neitz Halogen Slit Lamp SL-CX, SM-100 D (advanced unit for accurate measurement of sag and radius of curvature), SM-100 Softometer (for measuring hydrated soft contact lenses), Seigrist Diaphragm Lamp, Archer Test Projector, Jewel Ophthalmometer 1903, Jewel Contact Lens Centre, Accessories (Oculus Trial Frame and Medico Spot pen torch), Belmont chairs, Frame and face rules (inc. Freeman Occludarule, Archer P.D. Rule, Archer Coincidence P.D. Measure), Hand Instruments (Archer Streak Retinoscope, Magnifying Ophthalmoscope), Steak Retinoscope N.R., Trial case accessories, Ophthalmoscope BX, Hand Instruments (Spot Retinoscope, ENT Diagnostic Set), Automatic Chart Projector, Hand Instruments (Pocket Ophthalmoscope GX, Neitz Ophthalmoscope D). Together with a price list typewritten onto eight sides of white, pink (contact lens equipment), blue (refraction equipment), buff (diagnostic and consulting room equipment), green (hand-held instruments) and yellow paper (bulbs). Also a sheet detailing the prescription discount structure.
Gift of K. A. Stephens, 2012