
There are 219 records matching your search.
Displaying records 181 to 219
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TitleMakerDate Made
The Bradford Set of Training Stereoscope CardsBradford University1978View
The Charnwood Aniseikonia StereogramsM. I. Crompton Ltd1952View
The DeviographC.W. Dixey & Son Ltd1905View
The Dobson Cyclophoria ChartTheodore Hamblin LtdView
The Doyne Occluder (1933 Model) & boxA. Hawes & Son LtdPost 1933View
The Doyne Shield (1932 Model)A. Hawes & Son Ltd1930sView
The Evans Diagnostic ApparatusEvans Electrical Co Ltd; London Optical Company Ltd1946View
The Improved Foriagraph UnitElliott Optical Co Ltd1930sView
The Improved SynoptophoreElliott Optical Company1950sView
The Kinetic Stereoscope1930sView
The Ocular Developer - Home Model (Model A)The Ocular Apparatus Company1935View
The Orthoscope (part)William Gowlland Ltdc.1912View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Swann-Cole StereogramsRaphael's Ltd1930sView
Three orthoptic stereo cardsMid 20th c.View
TNO Test for Stereoscopic VisionInstitute for Perception TNO; Lameris Instrumenten b.v.1972View
training spectaclesThe Hadley Company LtdMid 20th c.View
Turville Near Balance Unit (TNB Unit)Ian Prince LtdMid 20th c.View
Turville Near Balance Unit (TNB Unit)Barr & Stroud LtdPost 1969View
Type D - Air Ministry Stereo Viewer & caseAir MinistryMid 20th c.View
variable prism stereoscopeEarly-Mid 20th c.View
variable prism stereoscope20th c.View
Viewmaster 3-Dimension Viewer Model ESawyer's Europe Brussels; View-Master (England) Ltd1958-1959View
Vistascreen Series 42 Art Studies No. 2Vistascreen CompanyMid 20th c.View
Walter Green synoptophoreClement Clarke Ltdc.1930View
Walter Green synoptophore1930View
Weetabix 3D ViewerVistascreen Company1960View
Worth's AmblyoscopeJohn Weiss & Son LtdEarly 20th c.View
Worth's AmblyoscopeView
Worth's AmblyoscopeClement Clarke LtdView
Worth's AmblyoscopeJ. & R. Fleming LtdView
Worth-Black AmblyoscopeJ. & R. Fleming LtdEarly 20th c.View

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