
There are 86 records matching your search.
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TitleMakerDate Made
'Challenge' stereoscopeJ. Lizars, OpticiansView
3D System MagicardMagicard S.A.2016View
A Selection of Stereoscopic Charts compiled by Dr David W. Wells, Boston, Mass. (12th Enlarged Edition)E. B. Meyrowitz Surgical Instruments Co., IncLate 1930sView
A Selection of Stereoscopic Charts compiled by Dr David W. Wells, Boston, Mass. (7th Enlarged Edition)E. B. Meyrowitz Surgical Instruments Co., Inc1931View
A Selection of Stereoscopic Charts Compiled by Dr David Wells, Boston, Mass (12th Enlarged Edition)E. B. Meyrowitz Surgical Instruments Co., Inc (London)Mid 20th c.View
Air Ministry Stereo ViewerAir MinistryMid 20th c.View
Barrett Relative Accommodation StereoscopeR. Archer & Sons Ltdc.1960s?View
Barrett Relative Accommodation StereoscopeR. Archer & Sons Ltdc.1960s?View
Binocular Stereoscope Viewer & crateCarl Zeiss (Jena)20th c.View
Brewster-pattern table stereoscopeNegretti & Zambra; Carpenter and WestleyLate 19th c.View
Brewster-type (?) stereoscopeNegretti & ZambraView
Brewster-type stereoscopeNegretti & Zambra2nd half 19th c.View
Camerascope / "Anatomy and Physiology of The Eye".J. & R. Fleming LtdPost 1954View
Camerascope / stereogram / stereoscope / "Anatomy and Physiology of The Eye".J. & R. Fleming LtdPost 1954View
Camerascope / stereogram / "Anatomy and Physiology of The Eye".J. & R. Fleming LtdPost 1954View
Cards for the Swann-Cole ComparatorRaphael's Ltd1930sView
Cards for use with a Pigeon-Cantonnet Stereoscope1930sView
Cartons Stereoscopique pour Strabiques Par le Dr Emile Hegg a BerneA. Francke S.A.1906View
Classroom Tests for Binocular InstabilityGrant, Ron1979View
Cruise StereoscopeTheodore Hamblin Ltd1930s?View
Dr Emil Hegg's Stereoscopic Charts for SquintersEarly-Mid 20th c.View
Dr Emil Hegg's Stereoscopic Charts for SquintersEarly-Mid 20th c.View
Dr Emil Hegg's Stereoscopic Charts for SquintersA. Francke S.A.1914View
Dr Emil Hegg's Stereoscopic Charts for SquintersEarly-Mid 20th c.View
Dr Emil Hegg's Stereoscopic Charts for SquintersA. Francke S.A.; Elliott Optical Co Ltd; Clement Clarke LtdEarly-Mid 20th c.View
folding stereoscopeView
Google Cardboard Virtual Reality ViewerGoogle Inc.2015View
hand stereoscopec.1970s?View
Holmes StereoscopeView
Holmes StereoscopeArcher-Elliott1964View
Holmes StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
Keystone No 50 Home Training StereoscopeKeystone View Company; Warwick-Evans Optical Company LtdMid 20th c.View
Kroll stereoscope cardView
Kroll's Stereoskopische BilderLeopold VossEarly 20th c.View
Lonsdale Progressive StereogramsElliott Optical Co LtdView
Maddox CheiroscopeClement Clarke Ltdc.1960sView
Maddox CheiroscopeView
Maddox Cheiroscope & set of cardsAllied Instrument Manufacturers LtdEarly-Mid 20th c.View
New Variable Prism StereoscopeElliott Optical Co., LtdEarly-mid 20th c.View
New Variable Prism StereoscopeElliott Optical Co Ltd20th c.View
New Variable Prism StereoscopeElliott Optical Co Ltd20th c.View
Pappenhagen-type stereoscopec.1904View
Pappenhagen-type stereoscopec.1904View
Routine Binocular Visual TestLondon Optical Company Ltd1946View
Sattler's Stereoscopic Pictures for Squinting ChildrenVerlag von Ferdinand Enke; Sattler, C.H.1928View
Sattler's Stereoskopische Bilder Für Schielende KinderVerlag von Ferdinand Enke; Sattler, C.H.1933View
set of split stereoscope cardsEarly 20th c.View
Set of stereoscope cardsEarly 20th c.View
set of stereoscope cardsClement Clarke InternationalMid-Late 20th c.View
set of stereoscope cardsMid 20th c.View
set of stereoscope cardsView
Stereo Viewer & case / Pocket StereoscopeZeiss-Aerotopograph1955?View
StereocampimeterBausch & Lomb Optical Companyc.1925View
Stereograms for Orthoptic TrainingElliott Optical Co Ltdc.1930sView
StereoscopeEarly-mid 20th c.View
stereoscopeUniversal Stereoscopic CoView
Stereoscope card2nd quarter 20th c.View
Stereoscope card setMid 20th c.View
Stereoscope card setEarly-mid 20th c.View
stereoscopic chart setE. B. Meyrowitz Surgical Instruments Co., Inc (London)20th c.View
Swann-Cole Orthoptic Training Apparatus - Orthograms Set VRaphael's Ltd1930sView
Swann-Cole Orthoptic Training Apparatus - Orthograms Set XIRaphael's Ltd1930sView
Swann-Cole Orthoptic Training Apparatus - Orthograms Set XIVRaphael's Ltd1930sView
Switzerland Through the Stereoscope / Lucerne Through the Stereoscope / Studies Though The StereoscopeUnderwood & Underwoodc.1905View
Tabletop revolving stereoscope viewerc.1900View
Tafeln zur Binokularen Untersuchung des Geseichtsfeldzentrums vermittelst des Stereoskops / Dr Ernst Haitz's stereoscope cardsJ. F. Bergmann1905View
The Amazing Card - Stereo ViewerDehé, Hans; www.courtesy.nl2007View
The Bradford Set of Training Stereoscope CardsBradford University1978View
The Bradford Set of Training Stereoscope CardsInstitute of Technology, Bradford1964View
The Charnwood Aniseikonia StereogramsM. I. Crompton Ltd1952View
The Kinetic Stereoscope1930sView
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
The Pigeon-Cantonnet StereoscopeMid 20th c.View
Type D - Air Ministry Stereo Viewer & caseAir MinistryMid 20th c.View
variable prism stereoscope20th c.View
variable prism stereoscopeEarly-Mid 20th c.View
Viewmaster 3-Dimension Viewer Model ESawyer's Europe Brussels; View-Master (England) Ltd1958-1959View
Worth's AmblyoscopeJ. & R. Fleming LtdView

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