
There are 81 records matching your search.
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TitleMakerDate Made
'Acorn' or 'flea' microscope compendium18th c.-19th c.View
'Lunax' compound monocular microscope1977View
'LUNAX' compound monocular microscopeMid 20th c.View
'Model 47' (London Model) compound monocular microscopeR. & J. Beck Ltd; C. Baker LtdMid 20th c.View
'No 6' microscope and caseJ. Lizars, Opticians1920s or earlier?View
'OPAX' compound monocular microscopeMid 20th c.View
'WM1' compound monocular microscopeMid-Late 20th c.View
Abbe Drawing Apparatus (No 111 pattern)Carl Zeiss (Jena)c.1897View
Amulet microscope19th c.?View
Bactil Binocular MicroscopeW. Watson & Sons Ltdc.1953View
Bench microscope / Vernier microscopePhilip Harris Ltdc.1950View
binocular inspection microscopeGambsMid 20th c.View
binocular microscopeCooke, Troughton & Simms Ltd1950-1959View
binocular radiuscopeNeitz Instruments Company LtdLate 20th c.View
Cary-type (Gould) microscopeAdie, Alexander Jamesc.1800-1858View
Coddington Lens / Linen TesterView
Coddington microscopeLate 19th c.View
Coddington microscope & caseWest, FrancisMid 19th c.View
Coddington microscope & caseWest, Francis1830-1844View
colorimeterF. Hellige & CompanyMid 20th c.View
Compound binocular microscopeW. R. Prior & Co.Mid 20th c.View
Compound monocular microscopeCarl Zeiss (Jena)1930sView
Compound monocular microscopeR. & J. Beck Ltd; C. Baker LtdEarly 20th c.View
compound monocular microscopeC. Baker LtdEarly-Mid 20th c.View
Compound monocular microscopeW. R. Prior & Co.1937View
compound monocular microscopeSwift Instruments International S.A.1977View
compound monocular microscopeC. Baker LtdEarly-Mid 20th c.View
compound monocular microscopePrior Scientific1974View
Compound monocular microscopeCharles Perry LtdEarly-mid 20th c.View
compound pocket microscopeCombined Optical Industries Ltd1950sView
contact lens microscope and thickness gaugeBatyc.1980View
Culpeper-type compund monocular microscopec.1820View
Duboscq-type colorimeterErnst LeitzEarly 20th c.View
Duboscq-type colorimeterHawksley & Sons1930s?View
entomological microscope and casec.1800View
entomological microscope and case19th c.View
entomological microscope and case19th c.View
Glew's ScintilloscopeGlew, F. Harrisonc.1904-1921View
Histological slide preparationUniversity of Manchester1950sView
Histological slide preparationBooth, F. H.1926-1933View
Histological slide preparationUniversity of Manchester1950sView
Histological slide preparationUniversity of Manchester1960sView
Histological slide preparationUniversity of Manchester1950sView
Histological slide preparationsWhite, Denis; Northampton Polytechnicc.1950View
linen microscope / stand magnifierLate 19th c.View
Microscience Microscope SetEastcolight (Hong Kong) Ltd2003View
microscope attachment / photometry cell?20th c.View
Microscope Bench LampSteward, J. H.; E. Miller & CoLate 19th c.View
Microscope Glass Cover SlipsChance Propper LtdLate 20th c.View
Microscopical PreparationsDunscombe, Matthew W.Early 20th c.View
MicrotomeE. Leitz Wetzlar Optische WerkeEarly 20th c.View
miniature microscope20th c?View
Monocular RadiuscopeLeslie M. Silver & Co.1965-1974View
Monocular RadiuscopeG. Nissel & Company Ltd; Vickers Instruments Ltd1960sView
O.R.U. E00163 RadiuscopeR. & J. Beck Ltd; British Indicators LtdMid-Late 20th c.View
Pair of replica bronze 'spoons' comprising purportive simple microscopeFenn, John2013View
pocket botanical microscopeEarly 20th c.View
Replica of Van Leeuwenhoek simple microscopeSteenhorst, Paul; Museum Boerhaave2011View
set of microscopy slides / natural lens specimens20th c.View
set of microscopy slides / natural lens specimensC.M. Topping et. al.20th c.View
set of microscopy slides / natural lens specimensW. Watson & Sons; C. Baker LtdEarly 20th c.View
set of microscopy slides / natural lens specimensAmadio, J.; W. Watson & Sonsc.1882-1908View
set of microscopy slides / natural lens specimensW. Watson & Sons; R. & J. Beck; Flatters & Garnett; Wheeler, E.Early 20th c.View
set of microscopy slides used by J. Cowan MeadleyCowan, Samuel; W. Watson & SonsSeptember 1908View
simple microscopeEarly 20th c.View
Slide preparation - Entrance of Optic NerveCohn, Norbert1940sView
Slide preparation - Lamina CribrosaCohn, Norbert1940sView
Slide preparation - Optic Nerve (T.S.)Cohn, Norbert1940sView
Slide preparations used by B.V. O'Neill FSMCO'Neill, B. V.March 1947View
Small Mechanical StageCarl Zeiss (Jena)1897View
Smartphone MicroscopeSatzuma Ltd2023View
specimen viewer19th c.View
Specimen viewer / Natural History Entertainment Viewer19th c.View
Spiegel condensorC. Reichert; J. Lizars, OpticiansView
Stanhope microscopeStanhopeView
Student-type drum microscopeEarly 20th c.View
Student-type drum microscopeEarly 20th c.View
The Wild Thornberrys MovieViacom International Inc.; Paramount Pictures2002View
Topcon DRA-1 monocular radiuscopeTokyo Kogaku Kikai K. K.c.1990View
Wilson-type screw-barrel pattern microscopec.1730View
YWM-1 compound monocular microscope1983-09-23View

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