
There are 762 records matching your search.
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TitleMakerDate Made
"Birch Designs are the Best in the World"Michael H. Birch (Designs) LtdMay 1966View
"Fitzwell" Sterilizer Trays and JarsPhilip Harris Ltd1950sView
"Good Morning!"Levers Optical Co LtdNovember 1938View
"Half-Hour Instructions for the use of Unique Slide RulesUnique Slide Rule Company, LimitedMid 20th c.View
"London's" 1961 Range of SunglassesLondon Optical Company Ltd1961View
"Tell the optician I'll be 15 minutes..."Levers Optical Co LtdJuly 1938View
'Kirbro' Senior and Junior Test Charts / The Kirbro 'Unifold' Test ChartKirk Brothersc.1935View
'Lesbro' Prescription Price List and Catalogue of Frames, Mountings, etc.Lessar Brothers Ltd1950-1955View
'Lesbro' Prescription Price List and Catalogue of Frames, Mountings, etc.Lessar Brothers LtdMarch 1954View
'London' Optical BulletinLondon Optical Company Ltd1950sView
100% Optical Catwalk Product ListingMedia 10 LimitedJanuary 2019View
100% Optical Event GuideMedia 10 LimitedFebruary 2015View
100% Optical Event GuideMedia 10 LimitedFebruary 2016View
100% Optical Event GuideMedia 10 LimitedFebruary 2017View
100% Optical Event GuideMedia 10 LimitedFebruary 2014View
100% Optical Event Guide, 5th editionMedia 10 LimitedJanuary 2018View
100% Optical Event Guide, 6th editionMedia 10 LimitedJanuary 2019View
100% Optical Show GuideMedia 10 LimitedFebruary 2023View
100% Optical Show GuideMedia 10 LimitedFebruary 2024View
100% Optical Show GuideMedia 10 LimitedApril 2022View
100% Optical Show Preview, 7th editionMedia 10 LimitedJanuary 2020View
1911J. Lizars, Opticians1911View
1912J. Lizars, Opticians1912View
1913.J. Lizars, Opticians1913View
1920J. Lizars, Opticians1920View
1921J. Lizars, Opticians1921View
1924J. Lizars, Opticians1924View
1927J. Lizars, Opticians; Zeiss1927View
1933 Houston Everest ExpeditionThe Times; Financial Times; Discovery Gallery1983-1998View
1936 CatalogAmerican Optical Company1935View
1937 Supplement to the Wiseman Ophthalmic Products CatalogueM. Wiseman & Company Ltd1937View
1963 Frame Catalog (1962) / Frame Catalog (1963) / Frame Catalog (1968) / Frame Catalog (1969) / American Optical Ophthalmic Lenses (1967) / Speclites (1970) / Sequel (1971) / 1976 Frame Catalog (1976)American Optical Company1963-1976View
2008 Lens Catalogue - Priced Range GuideEssilor2008View
2009/2010 Product Guide and Price List No. 33 Ver. 2Scotlens Limited2009View
2014 Optical Catalog - EyewearWiley X Inc.; Wiley X Europe LLC2014View
2015 CatalogueOptoplast PLC2015View
2015 printemps eteFace a Face2015View
2016-2017 Product PortfolioHaag-Streit UK LtdJuly 2016View
2019 Sunglass Collection - Out to SeeOtis Eyewear2019View
2022 Stock and Freeform CatalogueWholesale Lens Co (WLC)August 2022View
25 Years of Great Danish Design - inface 25 yearsInface Company A/S2012View
A Catalogue of Ophthalmological and Surgical InstrumentsEllis Optical Companyc.1929View
A catalogue of Photographic PublicationsJ. Lizars, Opticiansc.1913?View
A world of materialsContamac Ltdc.2002View
Abwood specialist machines for glass and non-metallic materialsAbwood Machine Tools Limited; Autoflow Engineering LtdLate 1970sView a word professionalBausch & LombNovember 1979View
ACUVUE Brand Contact Lenses - Product Range and Services GuideJohnson & Johnson Vision Care2007View
Afocal Leisure WearNorville Optical Company Limited1986View
Alcon Product Guide 2018-2019Alcon; Alcon Eye Care UK Ltd; Novartis AGMarch 2018View
Algha and Mantor - A Catalogue of Modern Eyewear By WisemanM. Wiseman & Company Ltd1955View
Algha Handcrafted 14 carat rolled gold and metal spectacle framesAlgha Group Ltdc.1990View
All in one Product Catalogue 2015Lenstec Optical LaboratoriesMay 2015View
Alpha OmegaAO Eyewear Inc.2011View
Altomed OphthalmicsAltomed LtdPre-1995View
Alyson Magee - FoundationsMagee, Alyson; Brando Eyewear2018View
Amateur CinematographyJ. Lizars, Opticians1926View
Anglo American OpticalAnglo American Optical Company2001View
Anything But The EyesJewitt-Harris, JennieOctober 2019View
AOAbbal Optical Engineering LtdApril 1989View
AO Applanation TonometerAmerican Optical CorporationNovember 1968View
AO Flight GearAO Eyewear Inc.2011View
AO Flight Gear IIAO Eyewear Inc.2011View
AO Frame CatalogAmerican Optical Company1962View
AO Safety Products Pocket Catalogue 1977AO Safety Products1977View
AO Women's Flight GearAO Eyewear Inc.2011View
Archer Elliott Cat. - Stock Equipment Price ListArcher-Elliott Ltd; Birmingham Optical Group1981-03-01View
Archer Elliott Cat. - Stock Equipment Price ListArcher-Elliott Ltd; Birmingham Optical Group1981-03-01View
Art in Optics by LeversLevers Optical Co LtdJanuary 1936View
Austin Reed Eyewear - Spring/Summer 2011Inspecs Limited2011View
AutoflowAutoflow Sales Limitedc.1984View
Autoflow Ophthalmic Prescription Surfacing & Glazing MachinesAutoflow Engineering LtdLate 1970sView
Baby Ciné - The Ideal Home Cinema Price ListPathé of France Ltd1926View
Baby Ciné Camera Projector & Accessories Price ListJ. Lizars, Opticians; Pathé of France Ltd1927View
BAO Ophthalmic ProductsBritish American Optical Company Ltd1966View
Barbour EyewearNorville Group2011View
Barbour Eyewear - Ophthalmic and Sunwear - Catalogue 2019Norville GroupJanuary 2019View
Barbour International - Ophthalmic and Sunwear - Catalogue 2019Norville GroupJanuary 2019View
Battatura Highest Quality Real Handmade Acetate FramesBattatura B. V.2016-2017View
Bausch & Lomb Diagnostic Instruments... ... in a word - professionalBausch & Lombc.1970View
Bausch & Lomb Eyewear - Designed for YouBausch & Lomb Optical Company LtdMarch 1950View
Bausch + Lomb Core Product GuideBausch & Lomb Inc.2011View
Bellissimi Reading GlassesCentro Style S.p.A.2013View
Better performance by definitionOptilabsc.2013View
Big&Tall Eyewear - New Collection from Atlantic OpticalAtlantic Optical (UK) Ltd2016-2017View
Binocular Vision AssessmentHamblin Instruments1980sView
Binoculars Galilean and PrismaticEmil Busch Optical Co. Ltd1930sView
Birch Designs - The Best in the WorldBirch-Stigmat Group Ltd1964View
Bird SunglassesBird Eyewear2019View
Bondeye 2017 CatalogueBondeye Optical Ltd2017View

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